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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

What is IUI Treatment?

Intrauterine insemination or IUI is a form of artificial insemination. In this form of fertility treatment, the sperm are directly inserted into a person's uterus. This is done around the time an ovary releases eggs. The ideal outcome for IUI is for the sperm and egg to combine in the fallopian tube, leading to pregnancy. 

This process is typically timed with the female patient's menstrual cycle. However, intrauterine insemination can also be conducted by using fertility medicines that help the ovaries produce eggs. The specific method used depends on the reason for infertility. 

Why is IUI Performed?

The specific reasons for couples choosing intrauterine insemination treatment vary depending on their specific circumstances. That said, there are some common issues that contribute to the use of IUI treatment in Nepal as a preferred method of fertility treatment. Some of these reasons are as follows:

Cervical Mucus or Other Cervical Problems

The cervix is an organ that separates the vagina and uterus from each other. The mucus produced by this region typically helps sperm travel from the vagina to the uterus and then to the fallopian tube. However, when the mucus is thick, it can prevent this from happening. Intrauterine Insemination treatment bypasses the cervix and directly transplants the sperm directly into the uterus. 

Low Sperm Count or Other Sperm Defects

Before the sperm is inserted into the uterus, it is analyzed, and the best sperm is picked. Therefore, IUI treatment rejects the defective sperms and selects the best sperm to be injected into the uterus, completely bypassing the issues associated with the sperms. 

Using Donor Sperm

IUI is also a preferred method of treatment when using donor sperm. The donated sperms are typically used when the male partner has severe defects with the sperm. 

Ejaculation or Erection Dysfunction 

Intrauterine Insemination IUI is also a popular fertility treatment for males partner who cannot sustain an erection. Furthermore, it is also a popular choice for when the male partner cannot ejaculate. 

Semen Allergy

Although rare, some females can be allergic to the semen of the partner's semen. This allergy can cause burning, swelling, and redness in the vagina. Intrauterine insemination does not involve interacting with the semen of the female partner. Therefore, it is a good choice for females with semen allergies. 

Unexplained Infertility

Intrauterine Insemination IUI treatment is a good choice when the doctors cannot find the cause of the infertility. 

How Long is The IUI Process From Start to End?

The actual insemination process only takes a few minutes. However, preparing for intrauterine insemination can take several weeks. The general time estimation is roughly four to six weeks.
The time estimations are as follows:

  • Preparatory phase - one to two weeks
  • Insemination phase- one to two days
  • Follow Up Phase - two weeks 

How Do You Prepare For IUI Treatment?

There are some key steps before the intrauterine insemination process begins. These key steps are as follows.

Waiting for Ovulation

Timing is the key in IUI. Therefore, before insemination, the female patients are suggested to check for the signs of ovulation. For this, one can use an at-home urine ovulation predictor kit. This kit detects when the body releases the Luteinizing hormone (LH), which signifies the release of an egg. 

Timing the Process Right

After the tests show signs of ovulation, the experts conduct the IUI after one or two days. 

Preparing Semen Sample

The male provides semen sample at the doctor's office. Besides this, the frozen donor sperm can also be thawed and prepared for insemination. The semen is then washed to select only the best sperms and remove the impurities. 

What do You do to Prepare For IUI Treatment in Nepal?

Before starting the IUI treatment, you must take some medical tests. Furthermore, the male partner will also be tested. The key tests for the intrauterine insemination process include the following:

  • Uterine exam
  • Uterus ultrasound
  • Semen analysis
  • Test for sexually transmitted disease (STD) and other diseases
  • Blood tests

Services of Hardik IVF and Fertility Center.

What Can You Expect in IUI Treatment?

The intrauterine insemination process is typically done in the doctor's office and clinic. The actual process only takes a few minutes. However, the process before and after takes a considerable amount of time. Following are the things you can expect in IUI treatment.

During the IUI Process

You lie on an exam table and put your legs in stirrups during the process. Then a tool called a speculum is used to spread the walls of the vagina. Once this is done, the expert continues with the following process:

  • Attaches a vial containing the sample of healthy sperm to the end of the long, thin, and flexible tube known as catheter
  • Inserts the catheter into the vagina through the cervix into the uterus
  • Releases the sperm through the tube into the uterus
  • Removes the devices

After The IUI Treatment

After the sperm is placed in our uterus, you can get dressed and do regular activities. 

How Long Does it Take to Know You Are Pregnant?

There are a few key points to know if you are pregnant after conducting an IUI treatment. They are as follows.

  • 10-14 days after the IUI: You can take home a pregnancy test kit to check for IUI pregnancy.
  • 14-21 days after the IUI: If the initial pregnancy test is positive, you can schedule a blood test with your doctor to confirm pregnancy by measuring the quantitative HCG levels.
  • 21 to 28 days after IUI: The doctor conducts a follow-up with another HCG blood test to ensure that the levels are rising properly.
  • 4-5 weeks after IUI: An ultrasound can visualize a gestational sac and possibly fetal pole to confirm pregnancy.

How Many Cycles of IUI do You Try Before IVF?

The typical intrauterine insemination cycle is three cycles before another treatment, like IVF. However, if the age of a female patient is over 40, this amount changes to one cycle of IUI treatment before IVF. Furthermore, in some cases, it is ideal to skip the IUI treatment and go directly to the IVF treatment at a trusted IVF center in Nepal

What Are the Benefits and Risks of IUI?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a medical procedure, and just like any other medical procedure, it has its own set of risks and benefits. Some of the key ones are as follows:

Risk of IUI

  • A small chance of multiple pregnancies if more than one follicle is produced
  • Mild Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) that gets better on its own.
  • Small chance of pelvic infection or urine infections
  • Small chance of miscarriage like the ones of natural conception 

Benefits of IUI Treatment 

  • Noninvasive when compared to other assisted reproductive technologies
  • The doctors can use both the partner sperm and the donor sperm
  • Minimal medication required
  • Increased sperm count for conception
  • Highly convenient
  • Higher rates of pregnancy per cycle

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How Much Does IUI Treatment Cost in Nepal?

The specific cost of intrauterine insemination will vary depending on your circumstances. However, at Hardik IVF and Fertility Center, you can get your IUI treatment from Npr 15,000 to Npr 30,000

FAQs About Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

What to do after the IUI procedure?

After the IUI procedure, you should rest for a day and resume regular activities. Once you pass the two-week mark, you can check for pregnancy. 

What is the difference between IUI and IVF?

The key difference between IUI and IVF is that in IUI, the sperm is injected directly into the uterus, while in IVF, the sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory for fertilization. 

How long does it take for IUI to get pregnant?

You can test for pregnancy within three to six cycles with 10% to 20% IUI success rates on average per cycle.

How painful is an IUI?

IUI is typically not a painful process. However, you can face some mild cramping during the process that lasts a few minutes. 

Who benefits most from IUI?

IUI has the highest success for unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility, and other cases where egg/sperm interaction is the main barrier.

When is IUI done?

IUI or intrauterine insemination is typically done around the time of ovulation.