Sperm swimming towards egg.
Feb 2024 Admin

What is The Difference Between IUI and IVF: Which One is Right For You

We live in the age of progression. Therefore, nearly everything in the world is progressing at breakneck speed. This naturally includes a progression of assisted reproduction technology or ART as well. ART has many techniques and treatments, including Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertilization (IVF). Both of these are among the best assisted reproductive technologies. The question here is, what is the difference between IUI and IVF, and which one is right for you? 

In this blog, we discuss the key difference between IVF and IUI and which is right for you. So, with this in mind, let's get started! 

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization, or IVF for short, is a form of assisted reproductive technology. In this form of technology, the eggs and sperm are taken and then fertilized outside the body in a laboratory. After fertilization, the eggs are incubated for three to five days and transferred back into the female patient's uterus. 

What is IUI Treatment?

ovum with needle artificial insemination vitro fertilization.

Intrauterine Insemination, or IUI treatment for short, is another form of artificial reproductive technology that involves direct injection of sperm into the woman's uterus around the time of ovulation. In this process, the sperm is often "washed" to ensure that only the best quality sperm remains for insemination. Then, the sperm is directly injected. 

What Are The Differences Between IUI and IVF?

There are many differences between IUI and IVF. Some of the key differences are as follows:

1) What is IUI vs IVF Meaning?

IUI is the process where the sperm is injected directly into the uterus. On the other hand, IVF is the process where the egg is taken out of the ovary and fertilized outside the womb. 

2) What are The Steps Involved in IVF vs IUI?

In IVF, the involved processes are as follows:

On the other hand, the processes involved in IUI are as follows:

  • Monitoring of the Menstrual Cycle
  • Collecting and Processing the Sperm
  • Injecting the Processed Sperm

Also Read: How Long Is the IVF Process? Key Stages Explained

3) IUI vs IVF Success Rates

sperm swimming in fertilize ovum.

The success rates of IVF and IUI will vary depending on many external factors. This success factor ranges from the age of the participants, natural fertility rate, diseases, and the patient's genetics. That said, we can estimate the general success rates. The success rate of IVF is around 70% to 80%, while the success rate for IUI is around 10% to 20%. 

4) IVF vs IUI Price Difference in Nepal

The cost of IVF or IUI will vary depending on the specifics of your circumstances. However, we can make a general estimation. The cost of IVF in Nepal ranges around NPR 2,50,000. Similarly, the cost of IUI in Nepal ranges between NPR 15,000 to NPR 20,000

5) What Are The Medications Used in IUI and IVF?

The specifics of the medications used in IUI or IVF vary depending on your circumstances. However, in general, IVF requires the use of more intensive medications for ovarian stimulation. On the other hand, the IUI typically involves milder medication or none at all, depending on your specific circumstances. 

6) What Are The Number of Embryos Involved in The IVF vs IUI Treatment Process?

The total number of embryos involved varies. However, typically, the in vitro process includes multiple embryos. On the other hand, there is a natural limit to the number of eggs that may be fertilized. 

7) What Are The Differences in The Timing of Fertilization Between IVF And IUI?

In IVF fertilization, the fertilization occurs outside the body. Therefore, you can control the timing of this treatment. Whereas in IUI, the fertilization occurs inside the woman's body. Therefore, the timing relies on the natural selection process for the fertilization. 

8) What Are The Differences in Invasiveness Between IVF And IUI Treatment?

Ovum with needle artificial insemination vitro fertilization.

The IVF treatment process is typically a more invasive procedure, such as egg retrieval from the ovaries and implantation. Although minor, both of these processes are invasive. On the other hand, IUI is a less invasive process that typically only involves the insertion of a thin catheter through the cervix to deposit the sperm into the uterus. 

9) Benefits of IUI VS IVF

IUI  and IVF are beneficial for many types of patients. Some of the key types of personnel who can benefit from IUI and IVF treatment are as follows:

Who Can Benefit From IUI VS IVF?

  • A woman who has ovulation problems and who has not been able to conceive using ovulation-inducing fertility medication.
  • In cases where the cause of infertility cannot be determined.
  • When the semen analysis shows minor abnormalities like low sperm count or motility.
  • For female patients who have mucus hostility or scars in the cervical canal.
  • For couples who are unable to or have difficulty in having intercourse.
  • For female patients with ovulation disorders
  • For mild cases of endometriosis
  • For couples or females who wish to preserve their fertility
  • For older couples
  • For couples concerned with the cost

Who can Benefit From IVF?

IVF is ideal for couples who cannot benefit from regular insemination or have problems regarding regular fertilization. With that in mind, some of the main types of couples and or individuals who can benefit from IVF treatments are as follows:

  • For females who have fallopian tubes blocked or damaged
  • For females who have ovulation disorders
  • For individuals facing moderate to severe endometriosis
  • For couples who have unexplained infertility
  • If the couples have some form of genetic disorder that can be passed down
  • For older couples who want to bear children. This includes couples above the ideal fertility age of below 35. 

IUI vs IVF: Which One is Best For You?

Sperm fertilizes with ovum.

After knowing all the basic differences between IUI and IVF, let's finally come to a conclusion: which one is best for you, IVF vs IUI? The most honest answer is it depends on your specific needs. 

IUI is ideal for you if you have unexplained, mild, or treatable causes of infertility in young women at an affordable cost. IVF, on the other hand, offers higher success rates for medical infertility, failed IUI, old age, and severe fertility disorders. 


Although both IVF and IUI have their niche and specifications, the question in many people's minds is which one is better? Well, there is no clear winner in the battle between IVF and IUI. Both of these treatments in Nepal have their own set of niches. While IVF is ideal for older couples with unexplained and severe reproductive disorders, IUI is ideal for younger patients with mind infertility disorders. Therefore, both of these treatments have their own ideal customer base. 

If you want deeper insights into IVF and IUI treatment in Nepal, do visit some of our other blogs. And if you want the best IUI and IVF treatment, do visit one of the trusted IVF centers in Nepal: Hardik IVF and Fertility Center. 

Other Related Blogs:

FAQs About IVF vs IUI

Which is more effective, IUI or IVF?

In general, IVF has a higher success rate than IUI. Therefore, IUI is recommended if you are a younger couple with mild reproductive disorders. 

Is IUI or IVF painful?

While both IUI and IVF are not all that painful, IUI is typically considered less painful than IVF. That said, the specifics of the pain will depend on your specific medical conditions. 

What Are The Differences Between IUI and IVF?

The differences between IUI and IVF are as follows:

  • Definition
  • Treatment steps
  • Cost
  • Success rate
  • Number of embryos involved in the IVF and IUI.
  • Medications used in IUI and IVF.
  • Timing of fertilization between IVF and IUI.
  • Benefits of IUI and IVF.

What is the cost of IUI and IVF in Nepal?

The specific cost varies depending on your individual circumstances. However, in general, the cost of IUI in Nepal ranges between NPR 15,000 to NPR 30,000. Similarly, the cost of IVF in Nepal ranges from around NPR 2,50,000.

What are the IUI vs IVF success rates over 35 years?

The success rates of IUI vs IVF over 35 are 70% to 80% for IVF and 10% to 20% for IUI.