When it comes to problems in reproductive organs, there are many issues that one has to note. Among many such problems, polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS for short is one of the well-recognized problems. But what is a PCOS? Well, in simple words, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone imbalance that affects ovulation. This issue can cause problems with your periods and make it hard to get pregnant. Furthermore, this issue can also cause several other problems, such as weight gain, acne, and unwanted hair growth. Therefore, if this issue is not cured in time, it can cause negative consequences for your overall health. That said, some of you may still wonder, "What is PCOS? What are its causes and symptoms?
In this blog, we discuss the definition, causes, symptoms, and treatment of this ovarian disorder. So, with this in mind, let's get started!
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a form of hormonal imbalance in the body. In PCOS, the production of male hormones is higher than the normal amount, and it typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 51. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. This form of hormonal imbalance can affect ovulation and can affect your periods. Furthermore, PCOS can also make it hard to get pregnant as well. PCOS can also cause other symptoms, such as weight gain, acne, and hair growth on the face and the body. Therefore, if this hormonal imbalance is not treated on time, it can cause severe health problems such as heart disease and heart disease.
Although the specific causes of PCOS are unknown, some of the well-known factors contributing to PCOS include the following:
As mentioned prior, the specific causes of PCOS are unknown. That said, we do know a few factors that lead to polycystic ovary syndrome. Some of these factors are as follows:
One of the primary factors that can lead to PCOS is the excess levels of insulin production. The excess insulin levels in the body can increase androgen production. The androgens are essentially male hormones. Although females also produce androgens, they are very low. However, the excess amount of insulin can result in the production of higher levels of androgens, which can result in PCOS. This can further cause difficulties with ovulation.
As mentioned prior, excess insulin production can lead to excess androgen production. This production of excess androgen hormones can result in symptoms such as acne and excess hair growth in the face and body. All of these can indirectly lead to infertility.
Along with excess androgen production, females with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can also lead to swelling of blood vessels and heart problems. Although this does not directly lead to issues with fertility, it can lead to poor health, which can cause fertility.
Besides the factors that we mentioned here, genetics can also play a role in PCOS. If the mother has a history of PCOS, there is a good chance that the daughter may also have this disorder. This can further lead to a generational lowering of infertility if it is not treated well.
These are just four of the key factors that can result in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Now that you know some of the key factors resulting in PCOS, some of you may wonder about the symptoms you may face if you have PCOS. The specific symptoms of PCOS can vary depending on the severity of the disease and the factors causing the disease. That said, some of the common symptoms of PCOS are as follows:
As mentioned prior, these are just some of the common symptoms of PCOS. The specifics can vary depending on your individual circumstances. That said, if you see any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult an expert like Hardik IVF and the Fertility Center.
Now, after knowing the common symptoms of PCOS, as a woman, you may also want to know about the complications. Some of the common complications that you may face because of PCOS are as follows:
These are some of the complications that you may face because of PCOS. Besides the ones we mentioned here, you may also face other complications depending on your circumstances.
Along with the complications, you may also want to know how PCOS affects fertility. As you may have guessed, PCOS can significantly impact fertility. There are many factors that associate PCOS with infertility. Some of these factors and aspects are as follows:
One of the primary features of PCOS is irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation. This can result in lessening or lack of release in mature eggs, which can further lead to difficulties in conceiving a child.
PCOS is also associated with hormonal imbalances. This includes higher levels of male hormones such as testosterone. These imbalances can hamper the natural release of the eggs. Therefore, when you have PCOS, it can result in hormonal imbalance, which in turn can lead to mild infertility.
Though not all women with PCOS develop ovarian cysts, the condition is characterized by the presence of multiple small follicles on the ovaries. These cysts can interfere with normal ovarian function and contribute to fertility issues.
Another key factor of PCOS affecting fertility is endometrial changes. Women with PCOS may have alterations in the lining of the uterus, which can affect the implantation and increase the risks of miscarriage.
While PCOS can make it more challenging to conceive, many women with the condition are able to achieve pregnancy with appropriate medical treatment. For this, you can use several treatment options such as ovulation induction, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other forms of fertility treatments.
The treatment for PCOS generally focuses on managing the symptoms and addressing the hormonal imbalances. Therefore, the specific approach to the treatment may vary depending on the individual symptoms. That said, we can point out some common treatments for PCOS. These common treatments are as follows:
One of the most common treatments for PCOS is a change in lifestyle. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can improve symptoms and manage PCOS. Some of the changes that can help in PCOS include the following:
Along with this, weight management is also a particularly important aspect of PCOS, as excess weight can deepen the symptoms of PCOS.
Along with lifestyle changes, you can also take medications to manage the symptoms of PCOS. Some of the commonly prescribed medications include the following:
These are just some of the common medications prescribed for PCOS. Besides the ones we mentioned here, the doctors may prescribe you other forms of medications depending on your specific circumstances.
Along with medications, the doctors may also recommend fertility treatments. These treatments include the likes of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). These treatments can help stimulate ovulation and improve the chances of pregnancy.
Other treatments may be recommended to manage specific symptoms of PCOS, such as topical treatments for acne or excess hair growth or counseling and support for emotional and psychological issues related to the condition.
These are some of the common treatments prescribed by the doctors for PCOS. Now, the question some of you may have may be, "When do we call a doctor?"
As you may have seen from what we talked about so far, PCOS may cause a wide range of symptoms. Therefore, it can be a bit hard to know when to see your doctor. That said, there are some specific symptoms that act as a signal for you to see your doctor. These symptoms are as follows:
If you have any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult a doctor regarding PCOS.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, for short, is a form of ovarian disease typically characterized by abnormal hormones and problems with fertility. There are several causes for this issue, some of which include excess insulin production, excess androgen production and genetics. That said, there are symptoms and treatments for this disease. Therefore, as long as you know when to contact the doctor, you should be in good hands.
In this blog, we discussed the basics of what PCOS is along with their symptoms and cures. We hope you found this helpful. If you want further details regarding PCOS and other forms of issues associated with infertility, feel free to check out some of our other blogs. And, if you want the best infertility treatment in Nepal, feel free to contact us at Hardik IVF and Fertility Center also known as the best IVF center in Nepal. Thank you for reading till the end.
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Although the specific cause of PCOS is known, it has been associated with the following:
There are several methods to treat this. Some of these methods include the following:
If you wish to solve your specific PCOS problems, you first need to get diagnosed. Once you find out your symptoms, you may need to go through the following treatments:
In all honesty, there is no specific cure for PCOS at the moment. The best doctors can do is manage the symptoms. Therefore, the PCOS treatments that you get are not for life.
Yes, you can get pregnant with PCOS. That said, you will likely need to take a diagnostic and go through an infertility treatment like IVF or IUI.
The main reason for PCOS is rather undetermined. That said, PCOS can be caused by hormonal imbalance, genetics, and tolerance to insulin.
PCOS pain is located in the lower stomach.
Some of the key symptoms of PCOS are as follows:
PCOS causes infertility by disrupting ovulation, creating hormonal imbalances, creating cysts in the ovary, and creating other issues such as insulin resistance. While these factors do not cause infertility by themselves, they contribute to lower chances of fertilization which can lead to infertility in the long run.
Unfortunately, there are no cures for PCOS. Although the symptoms of PCOS can be managed, there is no specific cure for the underlying problem itself.
Yes, PCOS can cause miscarriage as women with PCOS have a higher chance of producing damaged eggs and facing other forms of reproductive challenges like abnormalities in uterine lining, and hormonal imbalances that interfere with egg implantation.