Understanding Infertility Treatment Options and Success RateS
Nov 2024 Author

Infertility Treatment 2025: Best Options & Success Rates

In the medical world, infertility treatment is still a rather new development. While it is widespread among those who have ties with the medical world, for regular people, it is still an alien world. Therefore, many still have no idea about infertility treatment along with its major facets, such as its success rates and options. Regardless, since this treatment is gaining popularity and being used increasingly, you should be aware of it should you ever want to make this decision. And besides, if you are on this page, we can assume that you are interested in the various aspects of infertility treatment if not downright considering getting one. So, keeping this in mind, we are here to provide you with a general overview regarding infertility treatment. 

In this blog, we discuss various aspects of infertility treatment in Nepal, such as what it is, its causes, and how it is diagnosed. Alongside this, we shall also discuss how they are treated and some factors that affect the success rate. Keeping this in mind, let’s continue with our blog. 

What Is Infertility? 

What Is Infertility

Infertility, in its simplest definition, is the inability to conceive a child after a year or half a year of constantly and consciously trying, depending on your circumstances. There are two main types of infertility with them being primary infertility and secondary infertility. 

1. Primary Infertility

Primary infertility occurs if you have never had a child and are not able to conceive one after a year of constantly trying, given that you are under the age of 35. If you are above 35, the frame is six months. 

2. Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility is a form of infertility when you already have a child and are trying for more but are not able to conceive one. The time frame for secondary infertility is the same, with that being a year of trying if you are under 35 and six months of trying if you are over this age. 

What Are The Major Categories Of Infertility? 

So infertility is essentially the health condition where you cannot bear children. But not all infertility is the same. There are different categories of infertility based on their key aspects. These categories include:

Categories  Example of Etiology*
Ovulation Dysfunction
  • Hyperprolactinemia
    • PCOS
    • Hypothalamic
    • Amenorrhea
  • Thyroid Dysfunction 
Tubal Occlusion
  • Endometriosis
  • Peritubal adhesions
  • Hydrosalpinx
  • Sexually transmitted infections    

Risk factors include

  • Short menstrual cycle
  • Heavy menstrual periods
  • Nulliparity
  • Family history of endometriosis 
  • Early menarche
Diminished Ovarian Reserve
  • Age-related oocyte loss
  • Fragile X permutation 
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
Uterine Factors 
  • Uterine Synechiae
  • Endometrial Polyps or Fibroids 
Male Factors 
  • Non-obstructive Causes
    • Testicular failure
  • Obstructive Causes
    • Cystic fibrosis mutation
    • Retrograde ejaculation 

* Definition of Etiology: the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.

These are some of the key categories of infertility based on their manner of causation. Naturally, the causations we mentioned in the table are not the primary causes but rather just a subset of the major ones. That said, knowing the category of infertility is not information that you would retain, and that's perfectly fine. The goal of providing you with this information is to let you know that not all infertility are the same and the term infertility is just an umbrella term used for representing a wide range of categories and types. That said, knowing these categories and retaining them can be helpful if you ever decide to go for infertility treatment, as you can make a bit more detailed inquiry regarding your condition. 

What Are The Major Causes Of Infertility?

What Are The Major Causes Of Infertility

Knowing the categories of infertility might have been a bit tough on you since it was mostly a medical term. However, the good news here is that the causes of infertility can easily be explained in layperson terms. While this, too, contains some medical terms, they are not all that complex and knowing the causes can be a bit more helpful for you. So, what are the major causes of infertility? Well, the specifics depend on whether you are a person born male or female. 

A. Causes Of Infertility For Females

Let’s first discuss some of the key causes of infertility for females before we head to talk about the ones for males. The five key causes of infertility for females include: 

1. Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation disorder is one of the major causes of infertility for females, and it includes conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), hypothalamic dysfunction and premature ovarian insufficiency. In layperson's terms, this cause includes the conditions where the ovulation is irregular or absent. 

2. Fallopian Tube Damage Or Blockage

As its name suggests, this category of cause for infertility for females covers the condition where the fallopian tube is damaged or blocked. It is commonly caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) such as endometriosis and previous surgeries. 

3. Endometriosis

Yes, endometriosis is a separate cause in itself, and this condition occurs when a tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. This abnormal growth can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs. 

4. Uterine and Cervical Issues

The next entry on our list is the uterine and cervical issues, which include the abnormalities within the uterus such as fibroids, polyps and structural issues. It also includes cervical issues that affect sperm movement or implantation.

5. Age

If you know a bit about infertility, then you might have seen this one coming. Indeed, age is one of the key causes of infertility because as a female ages, their ovarian reserve and quality of egg decreases. 

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B. Causes Of Infertility In Males

Following the causes of infertility in females, the next aspect of our discussion is the causes of infertility in males, as they contribute half to the whole infertility thing. So, keeping this in mind, let's discuss five of the key causes of infertility in males. 

1. Sperm Production Issue

Sperm is the focal point of male fertility, and one of the key causes of male infertility is issues with sperm production. This includes all forms of conditions such as low sperm count, improper sperm shape, and lower ability of sperm to swim (also known as sperm motility). 

2. Hormonal Imbalance

One of the core aspects involved in fertility is hormones, and when there is a hormonal imbalance, it can affect male infertility. Hormones such as testosterone, when improperly produced, can result in sperm production. 

3. Ejaculation Disorders

As a male, it is not just sufficient to produce sperm; you also need to ejaculate them properly. And if you have ejaculation disorders such as retrograde ejaculation or premature ejaculation, then you can become infertile. 

4. Structural Abnormalities

Another key factor to consider when talking about male infertility is the abnormalities in the structure of the reproductive organ. Improperly shaped penis and enlarged veins in the scrotum can affect ejaculation and sperm quality. 

5. Exposure To Toxins And Lifestyle Factors

Exposure to certain chemicals, excessive alcohol, smoking, drug use, and stress can all negatively impact sperm quality and production. Furthermore, these toxins can also, at times, lead to disorders regarding sex drive as well. 

The causes of infertility we covered here are just the tip of the iceberg when compared to the wide range of causes out there. Regardless, we hope you got the basic gist regarding some of the key causes of infertility in both males and females

Recommended Blog: Smoking and Infertility: The Infertility Risks Linked to Smoking

How Is Female Infertility Diagnosed?

When talking about infertility, just knowing the cause is not enough; you also need to know how they are diagnosed as well. The good news here is that there are plenty of methods that can be used to diagnose infertility in females. As you may expect from the pattern of this blog, the question here is how female infertility is diagnosed. Some of the key ones include: 

1. Pelvic Exam

This form of diagnosing the infertility of females includes examining the reproductive organs. During the diagnosis, the experts check for any issues regarding the structure of your organ and signs of diseases such as cysts, fibroids, and infections. 

2. Blood tests

Next up, we have a blood test. The primary use of blood tests is to check for hormonal imbalance, as hormones dramatically affect the production and quality of eggs and sperm. The key here is to test for hormonal imbalance that affects your fertility. 

3. Transvaginal Ultrasound 

Those with a bit of medical understanding can already guess how this method of diagnosing female infertility works. Transvaginal ultrasound essentially includes placing an ultrasound probe inside your vagina to get a clear image of the reproductive organ, allowing the doctors to look for any forms of abnormalities. 

4. Hysteroscopy

This term is a bit more medical than the ones prior, but it is a relatively simple process. In this method of diagnosis, a thin tube with a light called a hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus. Then, the experts check for signs of issues such as polyps. 

5. Saline Sonohysterogram (SIS)

Another hard-to-pronounce but relatively simple method is a saline sonohysterogram. In this method of diagnosis, the doctors insert saline water into your uterus and fill it with the solution. Then, they take an ultrasound to check for problems such as scarring and other abnormal growths. 

6. Sono Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

In this process, the provider introduces a mix of saline and air bubbles into your fallopian tubes and then uses an ultrasound to check for blockages. In a lot of ways, this process is quite similar to the ones we just mentioned prior. 

7. X-ray Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Now, while the name of this process and the one we mentioned before may seem similar, they are completely different. In this process, the experts inject a dye into your fallopian tubes, and X-ray images are taken to track the dye's movement and identify any blockages that could prevent pregnancy.

8. Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a popular method used by experts, who make a small cut in your abdomen and insert a laparoscope. This device, with a tiny camera attached, is then used to look at your reproductive organs. 

These are naturally just some of the key methods used to diagnose infertility in females, and this is by far not an exhaustive list. Regardless, as with always, we hope you found this list helpful. 

How Is Male Infertility Diagnosed?

How Is Male Infertility Diagnosed

Since we already talked about how female infertility is diagnosed, it would only be fair to talk about how male infertility is diagnosed as well. That said, there are only a few methods to diagnose male infertility. The key ones among those few methods include: 

1. Sperm Analysis

One of the key ways how infertility is determined is through the analysis of sperm. This process includes taking semen and then analyzing it in the lab to check for sperm count, motility, and morphology. 

2. Blood Test

This aspect of diagnosing infertility for females is the same as the ones for females. In this process, blood samples are taken and then analyzed for hormones to ensure that the hormones required to maintain fertility are sufficient and balanced. 

3. Scrotal Ultrasound

As its name suggests, in this diagnostic method, an ultrasound is taken to create images of your testicles and scrotum. The images are then analyzed and used to identify issues such as varicoceles and other abnormalities in the scrotum and testicular area. 

While other methods of diagnosing male infertility do exist, the ones we mentioned here are among the primary methods. 

How is infertility treated?

So, by this point, you should have a general idea regarding what infertility is, its causes, and some of the methods used to diagnose it. Now, let’s talk about its treatment methods. Following the pattern of what we have been doing so far with the blog, we are going to split the treatment options into two aspects - one for males and one for females. 

A. Infertility Treatment For Women 

Let’s first discuss infertility treatment for females since they face a bit more issues, and there are more facts about infertility for women when compared to men. Some of the key infertility treatment for women include: 

1. Lifestyle modifications

The first way to treat infertility in women is naturally, through lifestyle modifications. For this, you, as a female, should maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, and take drugs while lowering your caffeine and alcohol intake. 

2. Medications

As a female, you also have the option to take medications. The medications for fertility are designed to stimulate your ovaries to release more eggs and increase your chance of getting pregnant. 

3. Surgery

Surgery is the final form of medical treatment for infertility for females. Should you ever need to conduct surgery, the experts do it for blocked fallopian tubes and remove polyps, fibroids, and scar tissues. 

B. Infertility Treatment For Men

When compared to fertility treatment for females, men only have two options - either take medications or go through surgery. A brief description of these two options includes:

1. Medications

This infertility treatment for males is basically used to balance hormones. Besides being used to treat hormones, medications are also used for conditions such as erectile dysfunction as well. 

2. Surgery 

Alongside medications, some of you, if you are a male, might also need surgeries for treating infertility. The surgeries performed for infertility are generally conducted to open blockages in the tubes and to repair structural problems. 

Besides the ones we mentioned here, there are also other forms of secondary infertility treatment options, such as IVF, ICSI, IMSI, and more. 

Factors Influencing Treatment Success

Factors Influencing Treatment Success

If you have reached this far into the blog, you should also know that infertility treatments are not always successful and that there are circumstances where they fail. However, they don’t just fail for no reason; there are many factors that contribute to their overall failure. Some of these factors include: 

  • Age: The higher the age, the higher the chance of infertility treatment failing as the quality of eggs and sperm decreases with age. 
  • Cause of Infertility: The specific cause of infertility also contributes to the success rate, as some causes are easier to treat than others. 
  • Type of treatments: Another factor influencing the success rates of IVF is the type of treatments as well. Some forms of treatments, such as medication, surgery and IVF, have a large success rate, while others have a lower success rate. 
  • Lifestyle Factors: Depending on the lifestyle of a person can influence the overall success rate. Those with unhealthy lifestyles tend to have a lower success rate. 
  • Health Conditions: Health is a major factor in the success rate as those who have health issues such as autoimmune disorders often have a lower success rate. 
  • Embryo Quality: The quality of embryos created and transferred can also significantly impact the overall chance of a successful pregnancy. The higher the quality of the embryo, the higher the success rate. 
  • Previous Pregnancy: Although previous pregnancies do not guarantee a successful infertility treatment, those with previous successful pregnancies tend to have a higher success rate. 

Each of these factors contributes to the overall likelihood of a successful pregnancy and birth through fertility treatment.

Which Infertility Treatment Option Has The Highest Success Rate?

Now that we have reached near the end of our lives, let's answer a burning question that you may have - which infertility treatment option has the highest success rate? Well, there is no specific answer to this, as the success rate depends on a wide range of factors. However, the general consensus among experts is that in vitro fertilization IVF has the highest success rate. The success rate of IVF is between 70% and 80%, depending on various factors. Regardless, although it is not 100% successful, this success percentage is the highest among many infertility options and therefore is considered as one of the best infertility treatments out there. 

Learn More: Is IVF a 100% Successful Treatment Process?

Average Cost of Infertility Treatment

Last but not least, let's finally discuss the average cost of infertility treatment before we conclude this brief look into the various aspects. That said, you do have to note that the cost of treatments such as medications and surgery differs on a case-by-case basis. However, we can provide you with an estimated cost of other treatments, such as IVF. The cost of these treatments, based on the sheet provided by Hardik IVF and Fertility Clinic - the best IVF center in Nepal is as follows: 

Treatment  Cost in NPR 
IUI 15,000 to 30,000
IVF 2,50,000
ICSI 3,50,000 to 4,00,000
PEA 30,000 - 45,000
TESA 30,000 - 45,000
TESE 30,000 - 45,000
MTESE 30,000 - 45,000
Embryo/ Egg Freezing 50,000 to 60,000 per year
Semen Freezing 50,000 to 60,000 per year

As mentioned previously, these are the price ranges provided by Hardik IVF and Fertility Center. The prices may vary should you choose another hospital or fertility centre in Nepal.


Infertility is a major issue that has haunted those who have dreamed of parenthood for eons. However, because of the rise of medical technology, now there are multiple ways to deal with this issue. That said, before you head into taking the services, there is a few information that can come in handy when you do go for the service.

In this blog, we discussed various aspects of infertility, such as what it is, its major categories, its major causes, and how it is diagnosed. Additionally, we also discussed how it is treated and its cost. We hope you found this helpful. If you seek further insights into the various aspects of infertility and infertility treatments, do check out some of our other blogs. And if you want the best IVF and other treatments in Nepal, look no further than Hardik IVF and Fertility Clinic.

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FAQs on Infertility Treatment

1. How does the doctor determine If I am infertile?

Doctors assess infertility by taking a complete history, physical examinations, or specific testing such as hormone evaluation, ultrasound, and semen analysis. Other tests can be performed on women in order to look for blockages in the Fallopian tubes or abnormalities in the uterus, including HSG or sonohysterograms. The concept is to discover some underlying factor which might explain why conception has failed to occur.

2. What are the common treatments for infertility?

The general treatment for infertility includes medications that stimulate ovulation, IUI, in vitro fertilization, and surgical retrieval of sperm. In addition, IVF may also include genetic screening, known as PGT, which selects the healthiest embryos to transfer. In some cases, egg or sperm donation and surrogacy are considered. Treatment will depend on the cause of infertility?.

3. How long does infertility treatment usually take?

Treatment time varies. Medications might take several months to show results, while IUI typically requires 3-6 cycles. IVF usually takes about 4-6 weeks per cycle, with multiple cycles often required for success. If initial treatments fail, doctors may recommend trying alternative methods.?

4. Are infertility treatments covered by insurance?

Coverage for infertility treatments varies by insurance plan, with some covering IUI or IVF and others offering partial coverage or imposing limits. It's important to review your policy to understand what’s covered, as out-of-pocket costs can be significant. Many people also explore financing options?.

5. Are there any natural remedies for infertility?

No natural remedy has, till now, been proved to cure infertility. However, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and eating correctly balanced might just help improve fertility. Acupuncture and herbal supplements are other commonly tried modes, though their effectiveness is still widely debated; hence, a doctor's advice could be sought out.

6. Are infertility treatments emotionally challenging?

Infertility treatments could be emotionally exhausting due to continuous stress related to uncertainty, multiple treatment cycles, and the emotional burden taken by individuals after several failed attempts. Emotional support through counseling or support groups would enable the individual and couples to cope with the challenge better.

7. What if infertility treatment options are not successful?

Other possible options include a variety of IVF techniques if the infertility treatments are unsuccessful, the use of donor eggs or sperm, and even surrogacy. Adoption of a child can be considered further by couples as another means of parenthood, and many couples find professional emotional support very helpful in the face of such difficulties.