Early Signs of Embryo Implantation After IVF
Nov 2024 Author

Embryo Implantation After IVF: What to Expect in 2025

Over the course of the past few years, infertility treatments have been growing in popularity. One such infertility treatment is the IVF procedure, and because of its procedure, many now know what it is. In fact, you might have read various aspects of IVF on our website. Now, while it is a popular form of infertility treatment with high success rates, very few talk about the early signs of embryo implantation. And it just so happens that we have not discussed this aspect so far as well. This just gives us the opportunity to discuss the overall aspects regarding the early signs of embryo implantation after IVF in brief and provides you with a general overview regarding what to watch out for. 

In this blog, we provide you with a brief look at what an embryo implantation is, some of its symptoms, and tips to improve the embryo implantation ivf success rate. So, keeping this in mind, let's get on with our topic. 

What Is Embryo Implantation? 

What Is Embryo Implantation

The first aspect of embryo implantation we are going to cover is naturally what it is. In its simplest form, embryo implantation is an important stage in pregnancy where the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining. This lining is also known as endometrium, and the process typically happens roughly a week to ten days after the ovulation and fertilization process. 

IVF embryo implantation process occurs after the sperm fertilizes the egg. The egg goes through a raid cell division, forming a blastocyst. This blastocyst egg then travels to the uterus and then sticks to the uterine lining before embedding itself in the lining. During this process, the outer cells of the blastocyst, known as trophoblast, invade the uterine tissue to ensure that the embryo has access to nutrients and oxygen. The process is further supported by hormones such as hCG. 

After Embryo Transfer Day By Day Symptoms

Moving forward, we shall now provide you with detailed information regarding the day-by-day symptoms once the embryo is successfully implanted into the uterus. That said, it would be unfair to call it day-by-day symptoms as we have divided the days into chunks to make it easier for you to know the symptoms. Keeping this in mind, the early symptoms of embryo transfer as well as embryo implantation ivf timeline include:

i. Day 1-3

In the first three days of embryo transfer, you can only see some mild symptoms. These symptoms occur because the egg is dividing and moving towards the uterus so that the uterus can implant itself. While the symptoms are mild and hard to notice, some of these symptoms include:

  • Mild cramping
  • Light spotting
  • Fatigue for hormonal changes
  • Mood swings from stress and anxiety

That said, you do have to note that every patient is different and depending on your circumstances, you may or may not experience these symptoms. If you experience any symptoms other than the ones we mentioned here, we advise you to contact an expert immediately. 

ii. Day 4-6

In this time frame, the embryo continues to develop and implant itself into the uterus. Furthermore, the body also adjusts to the changes caused by the embryo, and because of this, you may have some symptoms that are more noticeable than the ones from previous days. These noticeable symptoms include:

  • Cramping
  • Breast tenderness 
  • Increased urination 
  • Constipation

iii. Day 7-9

During this period, the embryo is more securely implanted, and a placenta starts to form around the embryo. As with the phases we mentioned prior, this phase, too, has its own set of symptoms, and as you may expect from a relatively later phase, the symptoms in this time period are more obvious than the ones prior. The after-embryo transfer day-by-day symptoms in this period include:

  • Bleeding from implantation
  • Nausea
  • Bloating 
  • Headache
  • Sore nipples

iv. Day 10-12

By this point, the embryo is already firmly implanted, and this is time for its growth. Therefore, the body produces more hormones, and as a result, your body shows more noticeable symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Increased hunger and thirst 
  • Increased mild cramping in the uterus 
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue 

v. Day 13-14

This is the last phase of the embryo transfer day-by-day symptoms; as of this period, you would have already known if you were pregnant or not. That said, it is still important to note changes and symptoms during this time period. Some of the key symptoms you may encounter during this period include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Increased fatigue
  • Changes in breast

Following is the representation of the key symptoms in a tabular form. 

Days  Symptoms
  • Mild cramping
  • Light spotting
  • Fatigue for hormonal changes
  • Mood swings from stress and anxiety
  • Cramping
  • Breast tenderness 
  • Increased urination 
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Bloating 
  • Headache
  • Sore nipples
  • Increased hunger and thirst 
  • Increased mild cramping in the uterus 
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Increased fatigue
  • Changes in breast

Now, do note that while we did just mention symptoms that you may face in the two-week wait period after IUI, not all females show these symptoms. Roughly 10 to 15 percent of those who go through this process do not show any form of symptoms at all. Therefore, if you are among those few who do not see any of these symptoms, you do not need to be worried all too much. Furthermore, if you do not see any of the symptoms we mentioned here, a quick visit to a reproductive expert and diagnosis can solve your doubt.

Positive Signs of Your Embryo Transfer 

Positive Signs of Your Embryo Transfer

So, now that you know the early signs of embryo transfer, you may have a slight urge to talk about the positive signs of embryo transfer. So, what are these positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF? Well some of these key signs include:

1. Implantation Bleeding

This is one of the positive signs of embryo implantation after the IVF process. Light spotting or implantation bleeding is an early sign that the implantation is happening. You can see light spots or bleeding at around 6 to 12 days after the implantation, and it shows that the embryo transfer is going smoothly.  Now, note that the spotting or bleeding is light brown in color rather than the typical reddish hue. If your bleeding is red, then it is not a good sign. Furthermore, you should also note that spotting doesn’t always mean that the embryo is successfully embedding. So, while spotting is a good sign, you should still get it checked out. 

2. Cramping 

Another one of the less comfortable but still good signs of embryo implantation after IVF is low to mild cramping. Although this sign is uncomfortable, it can suggest that the embryo is implanting itself into the uterus. Now, do note that while low to mild cramping is indeed one of the good signs, severe cramping is not. Therefore, if you face severe cramping following IVF, you should contact an expert immediately. 

3. Breast Sensitivity

One of the key changes your body undergoes as it prepares for parenthood is the production of breast milk. But before this process begins, the breast must first undergo some changes, which can be mildly discomforting. If your breast swells and becomes tender post-IVF, then this is one of the positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF. This is primarily caused by the changes in hormones and by your body preparing itself to welcome a child. The good news here is that this sign does not have any negative implications as long as the swellings are not extreme. 

4. Fatigue

Let’s be honest here: no one wants to be fatigued constantly. However, this might not be the case after IVF, as excessive fatigue is rather one of the positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF. This symptom is caused by the increase in progesterone levels after the embryo transfer. Furthermore, it also signifies that your body is working positively to support the implantations. Should you face this tiring but positive symptom, you should rest as needed. 

5. Nausea And Frequent Urination

As you may have noticed a pattern in positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF by now, all of the ones we mentioned on this list are annoying but positive ones. These are not so different either. Mausa and the need for frequent urination are uncomfortable at best. Yet, if you feel constant nausea and need frequent urination after IVF, then it is a positive sign that the process is going smoothly. These symptoms occur because your body is responding positively to the pregnancy-related hormones. 

6. Mood Swings

Following up with the physical changes, we also have emotional ones. Mood swings are an annoying yet predictable one of the positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF. Since the process of IVF involves a lot of hormones, it is only expected that some hormones associated with emotions are affected. Therefore, if you are experiencing rather extreme mood swings after the IVF, then it is an annoying but still a positive sign of embryo implantation after IVF. 

7. Pregnancy Test Results 

Last but not least, one of the most positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF is when you take a pregnancy test, and it shows positive. That said, you do need to wait a minimum of around 10 to 14 days after the IVF procedure for this test to be effective. The good news here is that as long as you wait for a few days, you can get this test dome and see the result. Now, you may have heard about false negative results, which is a concern. However, the chances of false negatives are low if you wait till the last phases and conduct the test. 

The ones we mentioned here are just some of the positive signs of embryo implantation after IVF. Now, as you may have noticed, most of the signs are annoying to feel and be a part of. However, in this case, they represent your dream of parenthood being fulfilled and are an occasion to enjoy. That said, if any of these signs become highly painful and not in the moderate to low category, you should contact an expert immediately. 

Tips to Improve IVF Implantation

Now that we have covered most of the aspects of this topic, let's briefly discuss a few additional ones before reaching the end. One such aspect is regarding the tips to improve IVF implantation. The good news for you here is that there are options you can consider to enhance the already high success rate of IVF. Some of these options, along with a few tips we have, include:

  • Rest and relax during the implantation window (1–5 days after transfer). Avoid stress and give your body time to adjust.
  • Blastocysts have higher implantation rates. Consider discussing single vs. double embryo transfers with your doctor.
  • Ensure your uterine lining is at least 7–8 mm thick on transfer day for optimal chances of embryo implantation after IVF.
  • Avoid "implantation superfoods" and focus on a healthy diet: vegetables, fruits, fish, and whole grains.
  • Take prescribed progesterone, as it makes your uterus receptive. Vaginal options may work better than injections.
  • Older patients may benefit from genetic testing to ensure healthier embryos.
  • Discuss options like embryo glue, ERA tests, or low-dose steroids with your clinic to boost implantation success.
  • Light spotting 5–7 days after transfer may signal implantation—don’t stop medication, and test as directed.
  • Stay calm and avoid hot baths, as heat may affect implantation. Opt for short, warm showers instead.

Naturally, these tips do not cover all there is to cover to increase the chances of getting positive signs of implantation after IVF. For that, you need to visit a reproductive expert. But we hope that the short tips we provided you did give you a general gist of the things to note and do while waiting for the results.

Recommended Blog: What to Do After IVF Implantation: Dos and Don’ts Explained

What Affects Implantation Success Rates?

What Affects Implantation Success Rates

At this point, you should already have a good idea regarding the positive signs of implantations after IVF, but you may very well know that non-implantations are not successful. So, the question naturally becomes what affects implantation success rates. There are many factors to consider for this, but the most important of all are embryo quality and uterine receptivity. 

The majority of implantation failures occur because of chromosomal abnormalities within the embryo. This is rather a common occurrence if you do IVF at an advanced age. The good news here is that you can solve this issue relatively easily if you use donor eggs or take a PGT test to filter out the best eggs before the IVF process. 

Uterine receptibility, on the other hand, is a bit hard to solve and is the more troublesome of the two. This condition can be affected by hormones, thyroid, or autoimmune issues, and these conditions can lead to problems in the uterus or a thin endometrial lining. The only way to solve this is through early diagnosis and treatment before the embryo transfer. 

Besides these two major ones, overthinking and stress also affect implantation chances since stress messes up how the hormones function. But as long as you keep calm, take the required meds, and follow the steps mentioned by the expert, then you should have a fair chance. And you should always remember that even if one cycle fails, you can have better chances in the next cycle. 

Preparing Embryo Implantation with Hardik IVF and Fertility Center

By this point, we have provided you with just about all that we are going to cover regarding positive signs of implantations after IVF. Now let's talk about how Hardik IVF and Fertility Center - one of the best IVF centers in Kathmandu- maximize your chances of getting IVF. The key ways include: 

  • Every patient is unique, so we tailor your protocol to optimize both embryo development and uterine preparation. We monitor your uterine lining thickness closely and adjust medications as needed to ensure optimal conditions for implantation.
  • Blastocysts (day-5 embryos) have higher implantation rates than earlier-stage embryos. When possible, we recommend transferring top-quality blastocysts for the best outcomes.
  • Progesterone is essential for making the uterus receptive to embryos. We prescribe the best-suited form of progesterone, whether injections or vaginal supplements, to support your treatment.
  • While no specific “implantation foods” guarantee success, we encourage a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, and whole grains while avoiding processed foods and smoking.
  • We are committed to providing compassionate care and personalized solutions at every step. Together, we can help you take one step closer to your dream of parenthood.


IVF is undoubtedly one of the more popular and effective infertility treatments in modern times. That said, during this process, you need to wait- a lot. And during one such period after implantations, you can begin to look for positive signs of implantations after IVF.  This includes signs such as nausea, spotting, and cramping. While these signs are annoying and uncomfortable, they are positive ones in these specific circumstances. Furthermore, you can also implement various tips to enhance the overall success rate of IVF. For those unaware, the success rate of IVF is already high, with it reaching 70% to 80%. 
In this blog, we provided you with various aspects regarding the positive signs of implantations after IVF, and we hope you found this helpful. If you seek further insights into various other aspects of IVF, feel free to check out some of our other blogs. If you want the best IVF treatment in Nepal, look no further than Hardik IVF and Fertility Center, which is the best IVF center in Nepal. Thank you for reading till the end. 

FAQs on Embryo Implantation After IVF

1. How long does it take an embryo to implant after IVF?

Implantation, in general, occurs 6–10 days after ovulation or egg retrieval. The blastocyst-stage embryos, which are transferred on day 5 or 6, may implant earlier, often within 1–3 days following the transfer.

2. How many days after IVF is the embryo successful?

Success is typically confirmed 9–14 days after transfer through an hCG blood test. A positive test indicates the embryo has been implanted successfully.

3. How many days after IVF implantation do symptoms start?

Symptoms like light spotting, mild cramping, or changes in basal body temperature may appear 5–7 days after transfer, but many people experience no noticeable signs.

4. How do you know if IVF implantation is successful?

A blood test for hCG levels about 10–14 days post-transfer is the most reliable way to confirm implantation. Other early symptoms might include implantation bleeding after embryo transfer or mild cramping.

5. Can an embryo fall out after IVF transfer?

No, the embryo cannot "fall out" because it is placed in a very deliberate manner inside the uterus, where it adheres to the lining. Some common post-transfer precautions include resting; this is to minimize stress.

6. How many weeks pregnant are you after implantation with IVF?

Pregnancy is calculated from the start of your last menstrual period (LMP). After implantation, IVF pregnancies are typically 2–3 weeks along, depending on embryo age at transfer.

7. What are the signs of successful implantation after embryo transfer?

Common signs include light spotting, mild cramping, or changes in mood or appetite. However, the absence of symptoms does not mean implantation was unsuccessful.