How To Identify The Early Symptoms Of Infertility And Seek Help
Jan 2025 Author

How To Identify The Early Symptoms Of Infertility And Seek Help

For as long as humans have existed, infertility has always been a major obstruction to the dream of parenthood. The good news with the evolving world is that now, we have tons of ways to go around and cure infertility as a whole. That said, before we even begin the process, you must first know how to identify the infertility symptoms and causes. But if you are new to the field of infertility, knowing these symptoms can be a bit tough for you. So what can you do? Well, worry not, for this is exactly what we are here for. 

In this blog, we shall provide you with a detailed list of some of the key infertility symptoms. So, keeping this in mind, let’s get started. 

Early Symptoms Of Infertility In Women

Early Symptoms Of Infertility In Women

As mentioned previously, this blog is all about infertility symptoms. So, let’s first begin by talking about some of the early symptoms of infertility in women. Now, do note that the specific cause of infertility depends on person to person. Therefore, we cannot provide you with the exact symptoms that match your case. The early signs of infertility we are about to mention below are just a general gist and some of the common infertility symptoms in women. So, what exactly are these symptoms? Some of the key signs and symptoms of infertility in women are as follows: 

1. Abnormal Periods

One of the key symptoms of infertility in women is abnormal periods. As you can guess, menstrual health is an extremely essential part of reproductive health. While some changes to periods within the menstrual cycle are normal, other changes can be infertility symptoms in women. Some of the common issues associated with periods that can signify infertility include: 

i. Irregular Periods

One of the key aspects of periods that signifies infertility is irregular periods. While some changes to periods are expected, if you have unusually long, short, or skipped cycles, it can indicate that you may be facing infertility. Do note that, in general, periods last between 21 and 35 days. The specific causes of irregular periods can differ and can range from something as simple as weight change to conditions such as PCOS and thyroid problems. So, regardless of whether this is a symptom of infertility or not, it is not a good sign for reproductive health. 

ii. Dark or Pale Menstrual Blood

It is not just the cycle of menstruation that you need to be wary of, you should also check the color of the blood during your menstrual cycles as well. Menstrual blood can and often does provide you with clues regarding your menstrual health. In general, they are milder tones of red. Although the shade can either darken or lighten slightly, if it gets too dark or too light, then it might indicate that you have infertility or, at the very least, poor reproductive health. 

Dark menstrual blood is often the older blood that takes a long time to leave the uterus, typically at the start or end of the period. If you see them between the periods, then it is a good sign to get checked up. On the flip side, light menstrual blood can indicate low estrogen levels, anemia, or spotting between periods. 

As mentioned previously, some changes are fine, but if they occur too frequently or abruptly at the wrong time, then they can signify infertility in women. 

iii. No Periods

When it comes to infertility symptoms in women, it is not just occurring periods that you should be wary of- you should also be aware if it doesn’t occur at all. Missed periods can often be signs of infertility as they signify that your ovary is not being released. Now, there can be several reasons behind missed periods. Two of the key ones include: 

  • Primary Amenorrhea: When you have not started menstruating by the age of 16, then that condition is known as primary amenorrhea, and it is typically caused by genetic or developmental conditions.
  • Secondary Amenorrhea: This is the condition when you have had regular periods in the past, but they stop for three months or more. Now, there are many causes for this, including pregnancy, extreme stress, too much exercise, rapid weight fluctuations, and medical conditions such as PCOS and thyroid disorders. 

iv. Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea)

Another one of the key symptoms of infertility in women is painful periods. But as you may already know, if you are born as a female person, painful periods are a normal occurrence. That said, if the period comes with severe cramping, which can essentially make you bedridden, then you can take it as a sign of infertility. 

2. Pain during sex

Alongside issues with periods, another one of the key infertility is pain during sex. Sex is an activity that is meant to be pleasurable, and unless it is your first time, there should not be any forms of pain. If there is any pain during sex, you can conclude that something is wrong with you. Among many things that can go wrong, it can also be an early sign of infertility, depending on the cause of the pain. Some of the key causes of pain during sex include: 

  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Vaginal dryness due to hormonal changes
  • Ovarian cysts and fibroids. 

Now do note that vaginal dryness is the only potential exception here as it is not directly related to infertility. But since it is associated with hormones, it too can signify infertility, albeit indirectly. 

3. Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal Imbalances

As mentioned prior, hormonal imbalance is not a direct sign or symptom of infertility. It is because this condition can be caused by a wide range of factors. Depending on the cause, this condition can show some signs and symptoms, which can then, in turn, point towards infertility. Some of the key signs related to hormonal imbalance signaling infertility include: 

i. Unexpected Weight Gain

Although weight gain is typically not associated with hormones, when you suddenly gain weight without any change in diet, then you can attribute it to hormonal changes. This phenomenon can be associated with PCOS, insulin resistance, or Hypothyroidism. All of these causes can, in one way or another, further disrupt hormone levels, especially estrogen and androgens, ultimately leading to irregular ovulation or anovulation. 

ii. Severe Skin Breakouts

Besides weight gain, hormones can also cause acne as well. If you notice an unusual amount of sudden acne, especially around the chin or jawline, then it can be a sign of infertility caused by hormonal imbalance. This symptom is rather common if you have high levels of PCOS, and as you might have guessed by now, it can affect fertility by interfering with the regular release of eggs from the ovaries. 

iii. Cold Hands And Feet

The early signs of infertility in women are not just limited to acne; it also affects the temperature as well. If you have unusually cold hands and feet, then it can point towards Hypothyroidism. This condition signifies that there are issues with the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism and menstruation, amongst other things. The issue here can then result in irregular periods or anovulation, which ultimately are symptoms of infertility. 

iv. Nipple Leakage (Galactorrhea) 

Another key early symptom of infertility, which is a direct result of hormonal imbalance, is nipple leakage, which is medically known as galactorrhea. While leaking from the breast is normal during breastfeeding, if you are not pregnant or not during your breastfeeding session, it can be considered a sign of infertility. This is typically caused by elevated prolactin levels, which is essentially a hormone that aids in milk production. When this hormone is elevated during the non-pregnancy and breastfeeding phase, it can suppress ovulation, which can, in turn, lead to infertility. 

v. Facial Hair Growth In Women

Alongside leaks from your nipple, you should also watch out for facial hair growth. While some amount of facial hair is common in women, if you have excessive growth, then it can signify that you have high androgen levels. Now, there are many causes of high androgen levels. That said, one of the most common causes of high androgen levels is PCOS, which is a direct signifier of infertility. 

vi. Thinning Hair On the Scalp

It is not just hair growth that can signify that you are infertile; it is also the loss of hair that signifies this. If you have sudden hair loss in your scalp, it can signify that something is wrong with your hormones. As you can expect from what we have said so far, one of the causes of the imbalance of hormones leading to scalp hair loss is PCOS. Another common cause for this is also issues with the thyroid, which we already mentioned previously. 

4. Obesity

Besides the things directly associated with hormones, you might also want to check your weight if you are checking for early signs of infertility. When checking your weight, if you have an onset of unexplained obesity, then it can signify that you are facing infertility issues. You should note that obesity is not just linked with unhealthy habits but also with insulin resistance and PCOS. Both of these aspects can lead to infertility. Furthermore, even if your obesity is caused by bad habits, the excess fat tissues in your body can lead to an overproduction of estrogen, which in turn can affect the quality of eggs. All of these aspects of obesity ultimately lead to infertility. 

5. Struggling To Conceive

Struggling To Conceive

Let’s end this list of symptoms for females with one of the most obvious signs of infertility. If you are not able to conceive despite having unprotected regular sex for several months, then you are most likely infertile. The time frame differs depending on factors such as your age and health conditions. But in general, if you are under 35, then the time factor is one year, and if you are over 35, then it is six months. If you are struggling to conceive, then we highly recommend you visit a reproduction expert for a more detailed checkup. 

Recommended Blog: Understanding Infertility Treatment: Options and Success Rates

Health Issues That Can Affect Women’s Fertility

Now that you know some of the key early female infertility symptoms, it is time to take a look at some of the health issues that can contribute to the overall cause. That said, we do acknowledge that if you have reached this point, then you might already have some insights into some of the health issues resulting in infertility. Regardless, let's continue our discussion regarding some of the health issues which can affect women’s infertility. So, what are these health issues? Some of the key health issues include:

1. Problems With Fallopian Tubes Or Ovaries

The first health issue we shall discuss is the issue with fallopian tubes and ovaries. Rather than calling it a one health issue, this one is more of a category since problems with fallopian tubes and ovaries can include a wide range of specific issues. Some of the key health issues associated with it include: 

  • Blocked Fallopian Tube: It is an issue that is caused by conditions such as PID, endometriosis or previous surgeries. In this condition, a blockage prevents the egg and sperm from meeting. 
  • Ovarian Dysfunction: This condition includes disorders such as diminished ovarian reserve and ovarian failure. Both of these issues reduce the number or the quality of eggs available for fertilization, which ultimately makes conception difficult. 

2. Early menopause

Another one of the key causes of infertility in women is early menopause. This condition, also known as ovarian insufficiency, typically occurs when your ovaries stop functioning before 40 years of age. If you face this condition, you can experience a decline in the quality and number of eggs alongside irregular and absent periods. Now, there are several factors for this, some of which include genetic factors, autoimmune disease, and specific medical treatments, especially those associated with radio and chemotherapies. 

3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

If you have reached this point, then you may already know what PCOS is. While the specifics are complicated, in layperson's terms, it is a hormonal disorder that affects ovulation. It is one of the most common causes of infertility, and if you have this issue, you may show the following symptoms:

  • Irregular periods
  • Elevated androgen levels
  • Multiple small cysts in the ovaries
  • Obesity 
  • Insulin resistance

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is another one of the most common health issues which can lead to infertility. In this condition, a tissue that is similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, fallopian tubes, or pelvic lining. This abnormal growth then interferes with reproduction by essentially preventing the sperm and ovum from meeting.  Endometriosis can further lead to: 

  • Painful periods 
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Inflammation and scarring in the fallopian tubes
  • Impairment of egg quality
  • Difficulty with implantation of fertilized eggs in the uterus 

5. Cancer Or Its Treatments

The final health condition we have on our list is cancer and its treatments. That said, you do have to note that not all forms of cancer or their treatments affect infertility. Only some forms of cancer, such as ovarian and uterine cancer, reduce the overall fertility of women. Likewise, only some forms of cancer treatments affect overall fertility. The treatments that affect infertility include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical removal of reproductive organs. You should also note that these forms of treatments can lead to early menopause or damage the uterus, which makes it exceedingly difficult to conceive and become pregnant. 

When To Seek Doctor Help?

If you are facing signs and symptoms of infertility like the ones we mentioned prior, it is essential to know when to seek a doctor. Some of the key situations when you should seek medical assistance include: 

  • If you are unable to conceive after constantly trying for a specific period (1 year if you are under 35 and 6 months if you are over 35)
  • If your menstrual cycles are inconsistent. 
  • If you have unusually painful periods and have pain during sex.
  • If you have medical conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, and uterine abnormalities.
  • If you have a past history of miscarriages.
  • If you show signs of hormonal imbalances.
  • If you have a history of pelvic surgery and infections.
  • If you have a history of previous cancer treatments.

Early Symptoms Of Infertility In  Men 

Early Symptoms Of Infertility In  Men

After discussing the infertility symptoms in females, let’s now discuss some of the early male infertility symptoms. The good thing here is that the list here is relatively simple and short. The bad news here is that each of these symptoms signifies something majorly wrong with the reproductive system. So, keeping this in mind, let’s talk about some of the early signs of infertility in men. 

1. Hormonal Imbalances

One of the first signs of infertility in men is hormonal imbalances. That said, it is a bit different when compared to the hormonal imbalance of females. You have to note that testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it plays a crucial role in sperm production. Abnormal levels of this hormone can result in the following: 

  • Reduced Facial Hair: If you do not have high amounts of facial or body hair under normal circumstances, then it can be considered a normal genetic trait. However, if your body and facial hair suddenly start to decline, then it can signify that you are facing infertility. 
  • Abnormal Breast Growth: Another key thing you can look out for is the abnormalities in your chest area. Having growth in the chest due to fat or muscle buildup is normal, although enlargement of chest buildup due to fat is a bit concerning; but if your chest becomes tender and is growing without muscle or fat buildup, then you can relate it to hormonal imbalance, more specifically high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels. 

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, or ED for short, is a condition when you are unable to have or maintain an erection during sex. Although this disorder can be caused by issues such as depression and performance anxiety, it is also linked to medical issues. Some of the medical issues which can lead to erectile dysfunction include: 

  • Low testosterone levels 
  • Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease 
  • Nerve damages such as neurological disorders, spinal injuries, and uncontrolled diabetes.

3. Problems With Ejaculation Or Ejaculate

Besides the issue with erection, another symptom that can signify infertility in men includes problems with ejaculation or ejaculate. What this essentially boils down to is if you are a male and have issues with letting out sperm, then you may be infertile. There are three most common problems regarding this. These include: 

  • Inadequate volume of semen during ejaculation.
  • Pain during ejaculating (can be caused by infections, inflammation, prostatitis, and structure abnormalities)
  • A condition where sperm flows back into the bladder instead of ejecting through the penis is known as retrograde ejaculation. The condition may be caused by diabetes, surgeries, and medications. 

4. Testicle Pain and/or Swelling

Unlike previous entries, the pain or swelling of the testicle is a simple one. If you have pain, discomfort, or swelling in your testicle, then it is an early infertility symptom in men. It can show some conditions, such as: 

  • Enlarged veins in the scrotum disrupt the blood flow and raise the temperature of the testicles.
  • Infections such as epididymitis and orchitis damage the tissues required for sperm production.
  • Medical energy is where the spermatic cord twists and cuts off blood supply to the testicles, known as testicle torsion.

5. Low Sperm Count

Low sperm count is a sign which is easy to diagnose and test. That said, it is still one of the major infertility causes in males. What this condition essentially boils down to is the male body not producing enough sperm per ejaculation. Some of the potential causes of this issue include: 

  • Low testosterone and other forms of hormonal imbalances.
  • Genetic conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome or Y chromosome microdeletions.
  • Indulging in excessive smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and exposure to environmental toxins. 

6. Obesity 

Besides low sperm count, you may also face infertility issues if you are obese as well. Rather, unexpected obesity is another one of the major infertility symptoms in males. Excess body weight can negatively affect males in a wide range of ways. Some of the key ways on how it can be symptom include:

  • During obesity, fat tissues are converted into estrogens, which reduces testosterone levels and impairs sperm production
  • Excess fat around the thigh and lower abdomen increases the temperature of the scrotum, which is harmful to sperm development.
  • Obesity is often linked with other forms of issues, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which can further lead to issues such as erectile dysfunction issues with ejaculation. 

7. Frequent Respiratory Infections

Besides these obvious symptoms, we also have those seams that seem completely unrelated to infertility. One such infertility sign includes frequent respiratory infections. While it may seem related, frequent respiratory infections can be associated with genetic conditions such as cystic fibroids. In this condition, the tubes which carry sperm may be missing or blocked, resulting in infertility. So, although frequent respiratory infections may not really seem associated with infertility, you should still get it checked just in case you have cystic fibroids. 

8. Loss Of Sense Of Smell

This one is in the same vein as the previous entry, as, on the surface, the loss of smell seems to have nothing to do with infertility. However, when you look beneath the surface, you would find out that loss of smell can be a sign of Kallmann Syndrome, which is a rare genetic condition that disrupts the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is essential for the production of testosterone and sperm. If you have this syndrome, you may face low libido, late puberty, and infertility.

Know More About: Top Foods to Increase Sperm Count Naturally and Improve Fertility

When To Seek Doctor Help?

When To Seek Doctor Help

Now that we have essentially covered the basic gist regarding some of the key signs of infertility in men, let's take a look at some of the situations where you might need to consult a doctor for help. Some of these conditions include:

  • If you and your partner cannot conceive after 12 months of unprotected sex (6 months if your partner is over 35).
  • If you have consistent erectile or ejaculatory issues.
  • If you have any pain or swelling in the testicles.
  • If you have a history of reproductive issues with conditions such as varicoceles, undescended testicles, or STIs.
  • If you have a low sex drive, abnormal hair patterns, or gynecomastia.
  • If you face frequent respiratory infections or have a loss of smell.


Infertility is a major issue that has been a hurdle against parenthood for ages. The good news here is that with the advent of new technology and the spread of knowledge, we can now know and recognize many of the early infertility signs in both males and females. Of course, these could vary and while some of them are overt ones, like not being able to conceive and impaired erection, others might be very subtle, such as obesity or abnormal growth or falling of hair. Besides, you also have to understand that each one of these need not necessarily relate to infertility either. Regardless, it is essential to know these key signs and when to see a doctor.

In this blog, we provide you with some of the early infertility signs in both men and women. We hope you found this helpful. If you seek further insights into the various worlds of infertility, do check out some of our other blogs. And if you want the best infertility treatment in Nepal, look no further than Hardik IVF and Fertility Center. Thank you for reading till the end.

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FAQ On How to Identify the Early Symptoms of Infertility and Seek Help

1. How will you know if you are infertile?

Infertility isn’t always obvious, but common signs include irregular periods, hormonal changes, or trouble conceiving after trying for a while. If you’re concerned, consulting a doctor and undergoing fertility tests can provide clarity.

2. What is the pain of infertility?

The pain of infertility may be emotional or physical. It's emotionally challenging to face repeated disappointment when trying to conceive, and conditions like endometriosis or PCOS may also cause physical discomfort.

3. What are the 3 main causes of infertility?

The major causes include ovulation problems in women, low sperm count in men, and issues with the reproductive organs such as blocked fallopian tubes or varicoceles. Lifestyle factors and medical conditions can also contribute.

4. How to reduce fertility?

Fertility can decrease due to unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol, poor diet, and lack of exercise. Stress and exposure to environmental toxins can also play a role, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps.

5. Can a man with zero sperm count get a woman pregnant?

It’s rare, but in some cases, medical interventions like sperm retrieval (if any sperm are present in the testes) or assisted reproductive techniques like IVF can help. Consulting a fertility specialist is essential.