Difference Between IVF & Test Tube Baby 2025 Updated
Mar 2025 Author

Difference Between IVF & Test Tube Baby (2025 Update)

Although IVF is a new treatment, a lot of people know about it. However, there is still a lot of confusion regarding IVF and the baby born from IVF. One such confusion is between IVF and test tube baby. Although both of these processes involve external aid, the differences end there. But this still does not answer the question - what is the difference between IVF and a test tube baby? Well, if you are someone who has this question, then you have come to the right place.  

In this blog, we provide you with the core differences between the IVF and test tube baby. In addition to this, we shall also provide you with some additional information such as their concepts, the process, who needs these treatments, and the success rates. So keeping this in mind, let’s get started!  

IVF And Test Tube Baby Concepts 

IVF And Test Tube Baby Concepts

Before we go into anything else, let’s first talk about the concepts of IVF and test tube baby 

IVF process, in essence, is a fertility treatment where an egg is fertilized outside of the uterus by a sperm in the lab. This process involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, retrieving them, and combining them with sperm to achieve fertility. The resulting embryos are then monitored carefully before the healthiest one is selected and implanted back into the uterus. It is a commonly used medical treatment by those facing infertility. Now, one key thing to note here is that In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF for short, is a medical term and refers to a specific set of procedures.  

On the other hand, test-tube baby is a non-medical term. This term is used to refer to a baby which is conceived outside the uterus, be it through IVF or any other procedure such as ICSI and surrogacy. As long as the embryo is formed inside a lab and a petri dish, the specific baby can be referred to as a test-tube baby, although the test tube doesn’t really have anything to do with the process.  

The key difference between the concepts of IVF and Test-Tube baby is that IVF is a medical term, which is defined by a specific procedure, while test-tube baby is a non-medical term used to describe an embryo which is not formed inside the uterus.  

Difference Between IVF And Test Tube Baby 

So now that you have a general gist regarding the key concepts, let’s jump to the main topic of this blog and talk about the key difference between IVF and test tube baby. While there are many differences, the key ones can be separated into six aspects. These aspects and their differences are as follows:  

1. Definition  

One of the first key differences between IVF and test tube baby that we shall talk about is naturally regarding the definition. The definitions for each of these terms are as follows:  

  • IVF: In Vitro Fertilization or IVF for short is a specific medical procedure where the eggs are fertilized outside the body in a controlled environment. This process involves specific and several specific steps, which include ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo culture, and embryo transfer.  
  • Test Tube Baby: It is a non-medical term which is used to describe any form of baby who is born through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), generally the ones from IVF and ICSI. This term refers to the outcome rather than the procedure and can be used to describe any child where fertilization happens outside the body.  

2. Procedure 

Besides the definition, there are key differences in procedure or rather the lack of one in the difference between IVF and test tube baby as well. Their difference in this aspect includes: 

  • IVF: The process of IVF includes hormonal treatments for ovary stimulation, retrieval of eggs, fertilization with sperm, and careful culture and monitoring of the embryos before they are transplanted into the uterus.  
  • Test Tube Baby: There is no process in test tube baby as it refers to the result of the Assisted Reproductive Technology or ART such as IVF and ICSI. As long as the embryo is formed in a petri dish (not a test tube) the baby can be considered as a test tube baby.  

3. Scope 

In addition to the procedure, there is also the scope of IVF and test tube baby. The difference between IVF and test tube baby in terms of scope includes: 

  • IVF: IVF is a technical term for a range of fertility treatments. It covers all the clinical steps involved in ART as long as they follow a specific outline, i.e. stimulation, retrieval, fertilization, and implantation.  
  • Test Tube Baby: The scope of this term refers only to the child who is conceived through IVF, ICSI, or other related procedures where the embryo is formed in a petri dish.  

4. Terminology 

Following the scope, the next difference lies in the terminology of the IVF and test tube baby.  

  • IVF: It is a scientific term which is used in the medical community for describing the fertility treatment process and is widely used in clinical and academic contexts.  
  • Test Tube Baby: it is an outdated and informal term which was coined with IVF was first introduced. This term originated because IVF initially seemed to occur in a test tube and is no longer commonly used in medical practice as it is not accurate.  

These are some of the key differences between IVF and test tube baby. As you can see from this definition, the core difference lies in the fact that one is a medical term while another is a non-medical term. Following is a tabular representation regarding the key differences between IVF and test tube baby.  



Test Tube Baby 


A medical procedure where eggs are fertilized outside the body in a controlled environment involving steps like ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer.   

A non-medical term used to describe any baby born through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), such as IVF or ICSI, where fertilization occurs outside the body. 


Involves hormonal treatments for ovary stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm fertilization, and careful embryo culture before implantation into the uterus.  

No specific procedure; it refers to the outcome of ART like IVF or ICSI. The fertilization happens outside the body in a petri dish (not a test tube). 


Covers a range of fertility treatments, including stimulation, retrieval, fertilization, and implantation.  

Refers only to the child conceived via ART, such as IVF or ICSI, where fertilization occurs outside the body in a lab.` 


A scientific term used in the medical field to describe the fertility treatment process, widely recognized in clinical and academic contexts.  

An informal, outdated term originating from early IVF procedures. It inaccurately refers to fertilization in a "test tube" and is no longer commonly used in medical practice. 

Medical Use 

A widely accepted, modern, and medically accurate term for fertility treatments.  

An informal and outdated term that may cause confusion, as it doesn’t describe the actual process accurately. 

IVF Or Test Tube Baby Process 

IVF Or Test Tube Baby Process

Although we have mentioned that IVF is not the same as a test tube baby, for most of the general populace, they are one and the same. So, when one talks about the test tube baby, they generally mean the process of IVF. But still, this begs the question - what is the IVF process? Well, the specific process varies depending on your health and other requirements. However, we can provide you with the general IVF or test tube baby procedure (given that we are considering the term “test-tube baby” as IVF). Following is the general IVF procedure:  

  • Ovarian Stimulation: You go through a hormonal treatment for stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The stimulating hormone includes Follicle follicle-stimulating hormone, also known as FSH. 
  • Monitoring: In this phase, the experts conduct regular blood tests and ultrasound scans to monitor your response to the medication while ensuring that your ovaries are producing adequate mature eggs.  
  • Egg Retrieval: As the third step of the process, once the eggs are mature, they are collected using a minor surgical procedure under anesthesia or sedation, using a needle which is guided by an ultrasound.  
  • Sperm Collection: The sperm sample of your partner or a donor is collected and processed in the lab for fertilization. In this process, frozen sperm can also be used.  
  • Fertilization: This is the key point of IVF and also one of the reasons why IVF was known as the test tube baby. In this step, the collected embryo and sperm are fertilized in a petri dish. If the process requires, additional procedures such as ICSI can also be used.  
  • Embryo Culture: Once the egg is fertilized and transformed into an embryo, they are incubated in a special chamber and cultured for around 3 to 5 days while they develop. The embryos are closely monitored for their growth here. 
  • Embryo Transfer: The best quality embryos are selected and then transferred into the womens uterus using a thin tube known as a catheter, without the use of any form of anaesthesia as this process is mildly uncomfortable at worst.  
  • Pregnancy Test: Roughly two weeks after the embryo transfer, you take a blood test to check for pregnancy.  

Now, do note that the specific process of IVF can vary depending on your circumstances, so it is recommended that you consult with an expert before starting the procedure.  

Who Needs Test Tube Baby Or IVF Treatment? 

Since we have already established that test tube baby is essentially a common word for IVF, we shall now discuss some of the key types of personnel who need IVF treatment. So, who are these types of people? Some of the key types of people who need test tube baby or IVF treatment include: 

  • Those who have blocked or damaged fallopian tubes and are unable to conceive naturally.  
  • Males who have low sperm count or motility and are facing male infertility factors. 
  • Couples when there is no obvious cause for infertility. 
  • Women who are facing irregular or absent ovulation during conditions such as PCOS. 
  • Couples where one of the partners has a genetic disorder and wants a genetic screening for your baby. 
  • Females who are facing difficulty in conceiving due to endometrial tissue outside the uterus. 
  • Couples who are using donor sperm or an egg. 
  • Couples when other methods such as IUI have failed.  

Do note that these are just some of the key types of people who seek IVF or test tube baby. If you are someone who falls under these categories, then seeking IVF treatment, which is more commonly known as a test tube baby, might be a good option for you.  

Cost Of IVF Or Test Tube Baby In Nepal 

Now, at this point, we have already covered a wide range of aspects of IVF and test tube baby including the difference between IVF and test tube baby and why IVF is also known as the test tube baby. Now, let's talk about the price since it is extremely important to know the cost of IVF in Nepal before you proceed with the procedure. So, what is the cost of this procedure in Nepal? Well, the specifics depend on many factors, such as where you are doing IVF, the medications involved, the treatment procedure, and more. 

The good news here is that you can get the best IVF in Nepal at an affordable price at Hardik IVF and Fertility Center. Despite providing you with one of the best - if not the best- IVF services in Nepal, the cost of an IVF or test tube baby in Nepal at Hardik IVF and Fertility Center starts at Npr 2,50,000

Are Test Tube Babies Healthy? 

After answering the question regarding the cost of IVF or test tube baby in Nepal, lets talk about whether or not test tube babies, or in this context IVF babies are healthy or not. The simple answer to this question is - yes, they are healthy. Rather, if you implement preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to select embryos without genetic issues, they can be healthier than normal babies. But in general, they are just as healthy as babies born through natural conception, with a few exceptions. These exceptions include:  

  • There is a slightly higher chance for IVF or test tube babies to be born with low birth weight, have premature birth, and have multiple births. 
  • IVF babies also have a slight chance of birth defects, but the overall risk is rather low. 
  • The health of IVF babies is more linked to parental factors such as age, genetics, and existing health conditions.  
  • Older mothers with underlying infertility issues might have an increased chance of an unhealthy baby.  
  • So although there is a slightly higher chance of babies being born prematurely, with low birth weight, and some birth defects, once the babies grow up, they are just as same as regular babies born from natural pregnancy.  

Success Rate Of IVF Or Test Tube Baby 

After talking about the health of the baby born, let's talk about the success rate of the baby being born in the first place. The question here is, what is the success rate of IVF or test tube baby? Well it depends on several factors, among which, some of the major factors include: 

  • Age of women  
  • Quality of eggs and sperm 
  • Uterine health 
  • Cause of infertility  
  • Number of embryos transferred 
  • Lifestyle factors 
  • Previous pregnancy history 
  • Type of IVF protocol used  
  • The emotional and mental health of the mother 

Depending on all of these factors, the success rate varies. However, you do have to note that the average success rate of IVF or test tube baby at Hardik is between 70% to 80% 

Is There Any Difference Between an IVF Baby and a Normal Baby? 

So, all of what we have discussed so far leads us to this question - is there any difference between an IVF baby (test tube baby) and a normal baby? Well no, there is not any form of difference. In terms of health, development, and genetics, there is no difference. Every form of difference lies in the conception process and specific birth factors. Following is the tabular representation of these differences.  


IVF Baby 

Naturally Conceived Baby 


Fertilization occurs outside the body (in a lab) through IVF.  

Fertilization happens naturally inside the mother’s body. 


Involves medical intervention, including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer.  

No medical intervention needed for conception. 

Pregnancy Risks 

Slightly higher risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, or multiple pregnancies (due to embryo transfer).  

Lower chances of complications compared to IVF. 

Choose Hardik IVF: Best IVF Treatment In Nepal 

Choose Hardik IVF Best IVF Treatment In Nepal

Before we conclude, let’s answer this final question - what is the best center for IVF treatment in Nepal? Well, among a wide range of options for you, one of the best - if not the best- options we have for you is Hardik IVF and Fertility Center. If you are an individual who desires the best IVF treatment in Nepal, then Hardik is one of the best choices for you. So why choose Hardik IVF? Well, some of the key reasons are: 

Expert Fertility Specialists: Highly skilled embryologists and doctors with high success rates. 

  • State-of-the-Art Laboratory Facility and Latest Equipment: New IVF equipment like ICSI, embryo freezing, and genetic testing (PGT). 
  • Higher Success Rates: Customized treatment procedures for high pregnancy rates. 
  • Transparency in Costs & Reasonable Prices: Affordable price with no extra charge. 
  • Wide Range of Fertility Services: Provides IVF, ICSI, IUI, egg and sperm freezing, surrogacy, and donor facilities. 
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Provides counseling, emotional support, and a comfortable experience of treatment. 
  • Convenient Location & Excellent Infrastructure: Situated in the midst of Nepal with world-class hospital infrastructure. 


Although IVF is a new treatment, everyone has heard about this treatment, yet there is still some confusion left behind. One such confusion is between IVF and test tube baby. Now, although test tube baby is commonly used to refer to a baby born from IVF, you should know that it is not a medical term, and this term is used to refer to a baby born from quite any form of ART where there is fertilization in a petri dish. IVF, on the other hand, is a specific medical treatment. Nevertheless, most people still refer to IVF as a test tube baby. But having reached here, we assume you are aware of the differences between these two words. We have provided you with the main differences between test tube baby and IVF in this blog along with some additional information as well. 

We hope you enjoyed reading this. If you want to know more about the various other things related to IVF, do go through some of our other blogs. And if you are searching for the best IVF treatment in Nepal, then Hardik IVF and Fertility Center is the best IVF center in Nepal for you. Thanks for reading till the end.  

FAQs On the Difference Between IVF And Test Tube Baby  

1. Do you need sperm for a test tube baby? 

Yes, sperm is required to effect fertilization during the test tube baby process (IVF). It can be supplied by the intended father or a sperm donor if the male partner is unable to produce offspring. 

2. Which age is best for a test tube baby? 

The ideal age for IVF is between 25 to 35 years, as fertility rates are higher and egg quality is better. Success rates decline with age, especially after 40. 

3. What is the biggest problem with IVF? 

The biggest challenge in IVF is that it's unpredictable since any cycle does not always lead to success. Success depends on factors such as age, egg quality, and complications with implantation. 

4. Why is IVF never 100% successful? 

IVF is also influenced by embryo quality, uterine health, and genetic issues. Even under optimal conditions, implantation and pregnancy depend on multiple biological processes. 

5. Can I choose twins with IVF? 

Yes, multiple embryos can be transferred to increase the chances of twins, but this also raises risks like premature birth and complications.Most clinics also advise single embryo transfer for a risk-free pregnancy. 

6. Is an IVF the Same as A Test Tube Baby? 

Yes, an IVF baby is often referred to as a test tube baby, and the fertilization takes place outside the body. The term is archaic because the embryos are actually cultured in petri dishes and not in test tubes.